At the global and the local level, First Pres. SLO is engaged with our communities in unique ways. We invite you to be part of this work.

  • Green Pastures

    Our mission, Green Pastures, has been a part of First Presbyterian Church’s ministry to the community since the 1990s, and it focuses on helping individuals stay in their homes. They provide “Micro Grants” for financial needs such as utility, medical and other bills. They also provided directions for the use of other community services.

  • Care Corps International

    Strives to provide psychological, emotional and spiritual healing by implementing strategically designed cooperative healing programs at the local, community-based level.

  • God’s Hidden Treasures

    Based in Ukraine, which for 20 years has provided support and wheelchairs to the disabled, mobile medical clinics and camps for special needs children in addition to food packets to those in need. Nita Hansen, who started the ministry, is from the Thousand Oaks area and has visited the church several times. They have a website or contact can be made through the church or the Presbytery.

  • Lifewater International

    Equips partner organizations and works with them to empower communities in developing countries to gain safe water, adequate sanitation, effective hygiene and the knowledge of Jesus’ love.

  • CAPSLO: 40 Prado Homeless Services Center

    The church provides lunch the second Wednesday of the month and dinner the forth Saturday of the month. Contact Steve Walker or Pamalee Brady if interested in helping out. Meals are prepared at the church and delivered to 40 Prado. There is need for additional help with this ministry.

  • Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

    Enables congregations and mission partners of PCUSA to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crisis and catastrophic events. This is the emergency and refugee program of PCUSA.

  • Front Porch

    A ministry to college students in the San Luis Obispo area. They serve free coffee every day while school is in session in a coffee house with an open kitchen, plenty of study room, and space for students to decompress They also serve free meals every Wednesday along with a number of other community events and a weekly worship gathering.

  • Students International

    Brings students and the poor together in a cross-cultural short term mission assignments.

  • Wycliffe Bible Translators

    Mission and vision is that God’s work is accessible to all people in a language that speaks to their heart and to translate into every language by 2025.