Children and Youth

at First Pres SLO



Every Wednesday

4:30– 7:00

Join us at The Rock!

  • Wednesdays at the Rock is a free program for kids of all ages through 6th grade. Each week we will have Bible Lessons, Music, Crafts, Gym Time, Dinner, and Fellowship. Service opportunities will also be a part of our program. Wednesdays at the Rock is a safe place for all kids. This year we will have two groups. Group 1 will be for the younger kids and Group 2 will be for the older kids. We will spend time together and time for each group to have age-appropriate activities. All kids are welcome!

Join us for a saint patricks day party! A fun night full of food, crafts, games, and treats! See you there!

For info and RSVP text



Sunday Schedule

Nursery Care – 9:45 to 11:15 (ages 0-4)

Sunday School (5 yrs-6th grade)– Children start in worship and head to Sunday School after the Time With Children.


Belong– No matter what!

Grow– We teach Bible-based lessons so they can grow  personally and spiritually.

Worship– Honoring God and others.

Serve– Learn about their God-given talents so they can be a blessing to others. 


Sunday Schedule

Sunday School– Meets in the mornings after Worship 11:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Watch for a start date!

Youth Group– All students 7th through 12th grade are welcome! Sunday Nights from 5 – 7 p.m.


Education– We want every student to learn what it means to follow Jesus, be critical thinkers and learn about themselves as well as God as they go through this time of their life. 

Fun– Youth group is a fun and safe place for students and their friends to become part of a faith-based community.

Care– Every student will feel loved, cared for, and valued - by each other, the staff, the church, and by God. 

If you are interested in volunteering  for any of our programs or have any questions please contact:

Jen Rabenaldt, CRE (805) 543-5451 ext. 105