Memorials at First Pres.
A memorial service is a service of worship to God and of witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a time for reflecting on God’s gifts of life and love, reaffirming the hope of eternal life, and receiving the strength and comfort of God’s Spirit. It is a time to be surrounded by the love and support of the community of faith. In this healing context, we remember the life of the one who has died, and how God has enabled that person’s life to touch us.
Please contact our Memorial Coordinator, Jen Rabenaldt, at 805-543-5451 ext. 105 or, to establish a date and time for a service, answer questions, and put plans in place.
The Memorial Service/Celebration of Life is a time to recognize our grief and give appropriate expression to our sorrow. In the Christian context, it is a celebration of hope.
Please click here to view the memorial brochure. Carefully read through this material and mark any items about which you have questions.
Church Office: 805-543-5451