Everyday Sacred

Discovering the Beauty and Meaning in Ordinary Life

Retreat Information

When: October 27-29

Where: Granite Ridge Christian Camp in Creston, CA

Cost and Registration

$295 ($285 by check or cash)

**A $75 deposit (cash or check) ($80 by credit card) is required to hold your space

Please make checks payable to First Pres. SLO (check memo line: Retreat fee)

•Deposits are refundable through Sept 30th

•Balance due by Oct 8th

Everyday Sacred

What if we believed that our daily work and our ordinary routines matter to God? What if we understood that we are all called to be part of God’s redemptive activity in this world? Whether we spend our days in the corporate or professional world or working in the home and caring for family, whether we are retired or a student, it can be hard to believe our work matters. This weekend we will explore what the Bible says about calling, work, and our participation in God’s redemptive activity for the sake of the world. We will also explore practices and habits that help us become aware of God’s presence in the ordinary moments of our daily routines. This weekend is designed for women of all ages and stages of life!

Introducing Our Guest Speaker

Shelley Irvine-D’Elia is a wife, mother, grandmother, spiritual director, and retreat leader who is passionate about helping people integrate the realities of daily life with a growing awareness of the Holy in our midst. Shelley most recently served as the Director of Spiritual Formation and Equipping at La Cañada Presbyterian Church where she taught classes on spiritual disciplines and practices, led retreats and workshops on contemplative spirituality, and mentored and trained lay leaders. She has taught “Spiritual Practices for the Active Work Life” with the New Theological Seminary of the West, the Max DePree Center for Leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary, and The Center for Faith and Enterprise.