When in Rome, and Everywhere Else
Paul’s Letter to the Romans is his masterpiece, joining the hopes of the Jewish people to the life and ministry—and death and resurrection—of Jesus Christ. He wrote it to a church he never got to visit, and unlike his other letters, it isn’t written to address a particular crisis or argument. In Romans Paul is writing to the city at the heart of the greatest empire the world had ever seen, and he makes it clear that life in Jesus Christ is available to all people, Jew or Greek or Roman. Join us as we journey through this rich and challenging letter. Thursday evenings at 7pm on Zoom.
September 26: Introduction
October 3: Part 1
October 10: Part 2
October 17: Part 3
November 7: Part 4
November 14: Part 5
November 21: Part 6
December 5: Final Part