no matter what the world might throw our way

Dear First Pres SLO Family,


Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus, the one who redeems us and calls us into faithful service. That is not just good news, but the best news!

So much has happened in this past year. We rose to the challenges posed by the COVID pandemic, moving from Zoom services to in-person worship, with additional ways to participate. We’ve seen new people join the First Pres family, which is always a source of joy. And most of all, we are enjoying a renewed sense of unity in fellowship, worship, discipleship, and our mission. These are all good things!

As we come into the Christmas season and the end of this challenging year, we’re using this Midweek Reflection to encourage a little extra giving.  

Here’s why. In 2021 we were able to manage our expenses because of COVID restrictions on our services. As we’ve reopened (cautiously) for more in-person services and events, our costs have increased a bit. We will need to make up that gap before the end of the year.

The other main reason is that we’re looking forward to offering a fuller range of ministries and services in 2022—more student ministries, more opportunities for spiritual growth, increased areas of service in our community and in other places.

All of that is good news. Some of it will require some extra support. 

So we’re inviting you to consider a special year-end gift to First Pres SLO. If you have a retirement account with a Required Minimum Distribution (and you know who you are), please consider giving part or all of that to the church.

The coming year will be full of its own challenges, but the last two years have taught us that we can continue to worship and serve no matter what the world might throw our way.


Blessings to you this Christmas season! Stay safe and healthy.

Pastor John and Don Green, Chair of Budget and Finance


the corner of Marsh and Morro


How long, O Lord?