Embracing New Beginnings

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus, the one who fulfilled old promises by making all things new.

I was so ready to share stories of our travels through Scotland and England—of our pilgrimage through old Christian sites along the Fife Pilgrim Way, of visits with friends I still have from serving as a pastor in Edinburgh in 1992-93, and of sharing some of my old places in London with Shelley.

None of that happened.

Instead, I’ve been wrestling with a lingering cough from the flu that sent our plans sideways. Shelley and I spent a week in the Fuller Seminary library, where I got to read some books in preparation for our fall messages and Bible studies. Then I came back and worked at the church for a week to get a head start on some upcoming projects. We just wrapped up a week of vacation split between Mammoth Lakes and Southern California to visit our families.

Not exactly Scotland and England, but we still had some adventures.

Now I’m back and ready to get started on the new church year—in my Kirk article for September you’ll learn a little about what I plan to do between now and the Advent season. We have some good and meaningful ideas for our shared ministry at First Pres. There are needs to meet, people to serve, and opportunities to grow into a deeper relationship with God. I can’t wait!

Before I get too future-oriented, I want to thank the people who stepped in while I took some time off. Jen Rabenaldt led VBS, preached, and took some of my duties on Sunday mornings. We heard from Rev. Luanne Griguoli a few weeks ago, and this past Sunday Joel Drenckpohl of Front Porch shared a good word.

But I’d like to offer a special thanks to Shelley Irvine D’Elia, who took two Sundays when I was very sick and seamlessly led our congregation in worship—on that first Sunday at the end of July, she never saw the sermon until the morning of the service. All of this while we were both so disappointed about missing the trip to the UK and our pilgrimage in Scotland. I’m grateful for her gifts and talents and willingness to step in!

This Sunday I’ll wrap up the People in the Bible series with a message on a woman named Phoebe (Romans 16:1-2. We don’t have much of a record of her work, but the Apostle Paul entrusts her with a crucial mission in the 1st century, one that continues to bless the wider church and us, too.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all again! Blessings to you and yours,

Pastor John


Called to Serve


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